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fiber fence for school

Product Description



Detection Principle

Raycom systems use typical single-mode fiber optic cables as powerful vibration sensors.RBtec uses different technologies for different applications, such as Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology and Distributed Vibration Sensing (DVS) technology, as a method of monitoring fiber optic measurements. Fiber optic cables become extremely sensitive to pressure, acoustics, and motion, and are able to detect small vibrations transmitted through fences, soil, or surfaces.Raycom systems can monitor vibration signals along the length of a fiber optic cable, locate intrusion events, and classify specific features based on detection algorithms.


Key features and benefits of a fiber optic fence system for a school

Intrusion Detection: Fiber optic fence systems use strands of optical fibers embedded in the fence structure. These fibers can detect vibrations and disturbances caused by someone attempting to climb, cut, or breach the fence.


Immediate Alerts: When an intrusion is detected, the fiber optic system can instantly send alerts to a central monitoring station or security personnel. This rapid response allows for immediate action to be taken.


High Sensitivity: Fiber optic sensors are highly sensitive and can detect even minor disturbances, minimizing false alarms while ensuring accurate detection of potential threats.


Zoning Capabilities: The system can be divided into zones, allowing security personnel to pinpoint the exact location of an intrusion. This makes it easier to respond effectively.


Integration: Fiber optic fence systems can be integrated with other security systems, such as CCTV cameras, access control systems, and alarm systems, creating a comprehensive security network.


Remote Monitoring: Security personnel can monitor the fence system remotely through a computer or mobile device, providing 24/7 surveillance and quick response capabilities.


Low Maintenance: Fiber optic fences are generally low-maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep compared to traditional security measures like barbed wire or electrified fences.


Tamper Resistance: Since the optical fibers are hidden within the fence structure, it's difficult for intruders to tamper with or disable the system.


Deterrence: The presence of a fiber optic fence can act as a strong deterrent to potential intruders, discouraging them from attempting to breach the school's perimeter in the first place.


Customization: Fiber optic fence systems can be customized to fit the specific security needs of the school, including fence height, sensor density, and integration with other security measures.


Scalability: These systems are scalable, allowing schools to expand or modify their security infrastructure as needed.


Safety: Fiber optic fences are safe for both students and staff as they do not rely on electricity or emit potentially harmful shocks like some other security measures.


In a school setting, a fiber optic fence system can be used to secure the entire perimeter of the campus, protect playgrounds, sports facilities, and other valuable assets, and ensure the safety of students and staff. It offers a high level of security while minimizing the risk of false alarms and providing rapid response capabilities in the event of an intrusion.

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